Accessibility Tools

| Michael P. Ehline

How Can Local Constituents Obtain Local Congress or Senator’s Contact Info?

For local constituents to obtain their local congressperson’s or senator’s contact information, go here.

  1. Find Your Congress Members
  2. Find Your Senators
  3. Enter your ZIP code, state, or other required information as prompted.
  4. The websites will provide you with the contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing addresses, of your respective senators and representative.

Alternatively, you can search for your local congressperson’s or senator’s official website or the official website of the U.S. House of Representatives or U.S. Senate. These websites typically provide contact information for individual members of Congress.

Remember to provide your name, address, and other relevant details when contacting your congressperson or senator to ensure that your message is properly recorded and attributed to you as a constituent.

If you encounter any difficulties or require further assistance, I recommend reaching out to your local government offices or your state’s secretary of state for guidance on how to obtain the contact information of your local representatives. If you wish to help support the mission and goals of the non profit, Paul Ehline Ride, please get in touch with us immediately.

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USMC Bagpiper
As seen in Leatherneck, Magazine of Marines

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Paul Ehline Ehline Memorial Ride
3838 W Carson St.
Torrance, CA 90503
Phone : (310) 622-8719

© All rights reserved.

Donations submitted through donation forms on PaulEhlineRide.Org are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. and state laws. These will be in U.S. Federal Reserve Notes. Paul Ehline Memorial Ride™ is a U.S. nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable Section 501(c)(19) organization that benefits US Armed Forces veterans under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. (Tax identification number 85-4040563.)